Life is a sensory path.

There is no doubt we all live in the same world of energies. We are all under the planets influence. We are living in a transformational energy whatsoever we think about life.

The energy that surrounds us and feeds us at any moment is a field of different levels of consciousness, from the higher consciousness which we can’t access with our human minds but we do with our spiritual centre, this field of consciousness sustains us and surrounds us. We are all its guests, but we are all part of it too. We respond to it and we all participate in this grand ball of energy that life is.

Isn’t interesting that you often discover that people around you feel the same energy around, like a day of havoc, or a night of disturbed energies, a day of worries, a day of easiness.. Very often we find ourselves sharing and discovering others are experiencing the same kind of events and energies.

Life is a sensory path, a multiple one.