I woke up today with a sense of sacredness.
The birds woke me up, very early…
My daily practice of meditation and yoga were more still and even more profound. I felt connected to a beautiful energy.

I really feel that the energies have shifted. And are still shifting in me. It is like the birthing of a new energy. It is almost too early to talk about it but it is so delicious that I wanted to write about it, to honour it and be able to share it.

Sharing it is a way to make this experience more conscious to my beloved companions on this journey. Also making the shift more recognisable, more present and vibrant in your life and mine. Sharing the energies is such a gift, even through this media, as here exists an invisible process of energy spreading.
It is totally guided in all of us. When we read something, there is no accident, we are opening our consciousness to what we are attracted to. We receive the message, and the energy. The beauty of the energy can spread to our delight.
Sharing is also receiving it back in a deeper way. And that is the invaluable gift.

I am receiving energies of peace after the storm I lived in between the 2 recent eclipses. The full moon has sealed the new energy into our lives. 

Close your eyes, breathe the beautiful energy deeply into your lungs, and in your whole body, your deeper self.
And release all the negativity that came to the surface the last few weeks. Let them be transmuted into light. 
I wish you the best in this sacred and new energy.

It feels like spring is bringing us much hope of new creativity and joy. I am truly not aware of what it is bringing to me today but I will let this energy come to me and allow the transformation in me, bringing the creativity into my whole being.
Breathe in the new energy and allow it to express itself within you. Let it talk to you freely. Don’t rush it in your existing ideas. Let it bring its freshness, its amazing potentiality. Don’t resist this opening inside you and the field of opportunities it is offering. Let it blossom in your magnetic field. It is a teaching of openness and letting go of the past.

As the vibration of the world is shifting, your whole personal universe will shift too. Your world of yesterday will appear suddenly in the past, and you will feel it or see it. Let go of your prejudiced ideas, of your certainties, of your fears too! It is the best moment to progress, to refresh, to organise for a new start.

To allow this new energy to bring its treasures you will be opening your mind, your spirit, your physical senses to another vision of life. Try to allow to shift with this sacred energy, be with the shift. Allow the magic of this wave of energy to happen in your life. Find time and space in your consciousness. Find time to breathe. Find time to be.
Be the shift.