As you allow yourselves to shift to a higher frequency, you are entering another level of living.
You will receive different information.
You will access to a wider level of intelligence in you.
You will access your full DNA capacity eventually. This is gradual. The more you expand your level of consciousness, the more you access your inner capacity.
Why do we behold so much potential and why researchers know we have it and can’t use it?
I personally don’t believe in unnecessary creation in the world.
We are not living our full potential.
The only key is meditation. Because it connects to a deeper level where the frequency of vibration is higher. The being-ness resonates at a different level. As I said your senses are heightened and that is my limited understanding of it, only a first step.
Sometimes as I felt I reached higher level of vibration, I found myself having clear visions of unsaid truths. I deeply know those visions are real at this moment but are difficult for my regular mind to express. And I know in that moment of higher consciousness something bigger is accessible to my spirit and my mind at that moment! Yes the mind is also shifting to a higher lever of intelligence.
That is how I received a whole knowledge about the matrix energy of us, human beings.
Each time I am allowing myself to connect to that vast knowledge, I first clear myself from tension. It takes a moment for my spirit to enter that world of knowledge. It is almost like my spirit needs to morph to suit that space of wisdom. It is like you need a certain type of energy to enter that portal of knowledge. Funny when I am in it, I feel part of a vast consciousness, but I feel like a boat sailing on horizon without limits.
And this is how the meditation should leave you sometimes. Releasing from human tension and allowing to feel the vastness of consciousness, and of yourself inside. It gives a sense that your life everyday is not all. This relativity is good to have some distance too.
Really as you connect to a higher frequency, your soul will give you access to knowledge that your soul has in storage, or access to because your soul comes from a lineage of knowledge.
Souls are not separate from the matrix of consciousness that behold all knowledge from past, present and future. Souls are knowledge. As humans we just use this piece of consciousness to our dimension of humanness. But do we access to the immensity of consciousness? How can we learn again about our infinite possibilities that lie inside ourselves. It is a fascinating door you are opening as you are allowing yourself into the infinite consciousness.
The best examples are beings like amazing scientists or artists like Da Vinci or Raphael or Einstein.
These enlightened beings all explained the nature of their amazing discoveries. It all comes from that vast inner consciousness. The creative self lies within. In that depth of being-ness.
And you can feel the strength of their soul.
And you can feel the immense joy they had in their work. The intense drive.
Really in each one of us there is this sacred place you can go to and connect where you will open the doors to this immensity, where lies the gifts, the energy, the drive to pursue the passion.
Opening the portal
This is the mission.
Meditation is your way.
To your mission
Ignoring it is ignoring who you are truly.
It is living a foreign life.
You can’t survive.
Body, mind and all starve your energy.
So start to just to commit.
To yourself.