The goddess has something to say.


I wake up so early. I love it because I have so much time for myself.


I run and exercise my body. I do yoga and a meditation, I take a shower or a bath and then I have an enjoyable breakfast, and then I have time to be lazy , read all stupid stuff, then I have the luxury to write, and all this without being disturbed.


It is such a blessing to me.


I need to learn to stay connected more and more to that thread of bliss that I find with my pen, with my yoga, with my running.


How can you not leave the thread?

How can you stay on the high-flying disc?

It is such a discipline.


It is almost like a training, and apprenticeship of keeping your flame close to you during your day.


Omg how many things I would do differently if I was really in my soul during my day. Small things, big things. Reacting to the world.


Basically it is a matter of acting.

Less reacting.

It is a matter of living free of the push-and-pull from outside.


You see a situation. Actually often you don’t even have the time to see it. You just react to it, like an angry dog barking before the stranger approaches.

Someone does something you don’t like, your ego barks, jumps or whatever…


The situation is already in your auric field. The energy of the event is already in you, even if really you would not want it in a calm and clear personal situation.


So then let’s look at life with a slower motion.


Do I really want to be part of the event, of the drama that just happened?

Do I need it?

It is trapping you more than anything really.


Choose for yourself the life you want.


Do you want to accept the outside energies as they come to you?

Do you want to let the energies in? No - it is time to allow only the energies you want in, in your life, in yourself…


How? By going back to the thread of bliss you have inside.


Going back to a slower pace that is inside.

It is a place where you can distance yourself with the outside world.


The more you give it presence inside you, the more it will empower you with distance, with a peace inside yourself, and with the power to see things before they jump at you and you react with.


Meditating with your inner self will teach you this inner peace.

You will become more anchored on the inside.

The outside will have less grip on you.


This will slow down your reactivity from your ego. It will calm it down so you have time and space to see, to understand the situation and how you are reacting.


Your own reaction stems from all the traits of personality you have accumulated inside you over the years of living outside of yourself, the years of creating a strong and thick ego.


This discipline of building up your inner peace is the key to maintaining the bliss during the day, to maintaining the freedom from the world pressure-that does not belong to you.


The discipline is also giving yourself moments of pleasure, of peace, of freedom from the world.


A win-win situation really.


You see it when you are disconnected enough from the pressure of the ego.

When you are under pressure you think the relief is the escape into more activities, the inner bliss is far from you and it is quite hard to recall it in those stressful moments.


So the more you train your inner peace, the easier you can pull yourself from stressful situations and you see with more clarity. You know it is happening.

You are not a victim anymore, nor of the world, nor of your own ego.


You are defined by this feeling inside that you find in your peace, in your meditation, in your pleasurable time. You are defined by your heart desires.

Not by your ego. Not by your reactivity to the ego of the world.

It is an act of reclaiming your true being.

To live free again.


Being who you are, not defining yourself - nor when the world wants it.


What a freedom to live your days by creating the flow of energy. Shaping the day as you feel. Watching the drama of the world without being swallowed up by it with no genuine desire.


Detaching yourself consciously.


It does not mean living in a cave, not interested in the world.

It means you are acting, not reacting.

You are choosing your day.

You are creating answers to the questions of your truth.

You are allowing the world to be.

The world is then allowing you to be too.


What a difference.

Then you can still hold the thread to your soul during the day.


Flying and being - with two feet on the ground.