**Super Moon Blog**
I am afraid to live a full life.
I am tying myself to false rules.
I need to break out of this stiffness that we have kind of imposed on ourselves!
I need to live more and more,
I need to live outside of my self-imposed limits.
Goddess what is the message of the day?
Loving the beloved.
You have cried the tears of knowing your fears and accepting them.
You are the warrior.
And you are sensitive inside.
And you have fragility inside.
And it is beautiful.
The more you face your life, the more you face who you are.
The more you allow yourself to live your life fully, the more you will be drawn to challenges of your life.
You don’t depend on anybody for your abundance.
Depend on your ability to know that the source is infinite.
And you know it when you are in the goddess energy.
It has been hard to soar above the clouds.
Oh my god! I am finally able to fly above the clouds of greyness again…
Sometimes we need to go down to earth, to dig deep into the ground where we buried a part of us, which was left there in time. Honestly, we need to go back there to release that memory that froze us there, that is keeping us stuck in a reality, in a low emotion and where we are stuck energetically.
It is like a car that is racing with an invisible brake on, and we have no idea it is partially slowing down the speed, impeding it to go at full speed and creating mechanical problems, limiting the full essence of the car, of the engine inside etc…
And there we go, we all live with these invisible brakes inside of us.
The moon is exposing us to its energies of change and transmutation. It hurts because she stops us in the middle of the road, and it could be anywhere in the middle of a desert, or under a thunderstorm, and it does its best to find the best moments - because those trigger us into bigger times.
And there you are with no means to continue on the road, all your powers are in staggering mode, your mind is fuzzy, your body feels tired or sick…
Nothing else other than healing is required.
Truly doing it, otherwise the machine would not restart.
You cannot faint it.
You have got to do it.
Find this invisible brake, this invisible scar that is now hurting.
Nobody can heal it but you.
And you cannot see it. Nobody told us how to do it.
But our sacred moment with our deep self.
Listening deeply to all, the symbols, the voices, the soul.
When it starts speaking it is a huge relief.
Nothing can replace your own self-healing moments darling.
Just trust that.
Trust the flow of energy that is going through your life right now.
It may take a long time to heal, if that is what you need.
Respect it.
It is the flow of your soul.
She needs that time with you.
Your body needs that time.
All your cells need the healing, the time to clear from this old drama, this old energy that kept you undermined.
All your cells need this new rhythm to readapt to the transformation. Because healing is a transformation of all your bodies.
Because healing is a conversation inside of you where all the bodies exchange the transformation energy, they adapt their mechanisms, their magnetic field…
Trust the process.
Let it happen.
Let go of your expectations.
Let loose again so the energy can circulate, transform and regenerate.
Allow the new energy to flow through you.
Invite the light, the energy of healing that comes from your own god-goddess energy to do its work.
Know you are the divine healer.