I would like to think that one day all of us can feel what is to be a mother and feel this amazing love, like the love you can feel for your child; how you want to protect them, how much you want them to find their way in life and discover their expression of joy.
I always surprise myself when running after the object or the experience that will make my child happy. I would run a marathon. It is that vibration inside of me that rules my heart, that commands my desires to have my child happy and safe.
I still remember the time when I was thinking I’d never become a mother. But motherhood came as a surprise, thank God! I would never have chosen to step into motherhood, over-thinking it and procrastinating too long.
That feeling of a mother for her child, which is the epitome of love and caring for another being on earth… And that feeling is the closest to what all religions are trying to teach us – isn’t it the closest feeling to the love God has for us, creatures of his creation?
Having the eyes of a mother is to look at a being with eyes of love, compassion, hope and ambition. But truly it is this vibration of caring and always sending prayers of protection towards the child.
If we think about our true nature, we all belong to the same humanity: we are belonging to the same creator. Our souls are sisters, even more, they belong to this higher energy of creation and love. They are all merging into oneness.
Why are we not looking at our sister souls with the eyes of compassion, of understanding. We are all crossing the same path of understanding our life.
Why do we look at the other one like a foreigner, a competitor, a threat, or sometimes with total indifference.
We are all linked by ties of soul.
We are all brothers and sisters in this lifetime.
We are sharing the same experience.
Looking at someone with the eyes of a mother is maybe the most spiritual act on this earth. It is looking deeply into the eyes of a being, foreigner or not, and seeing the child that came here years ago with purity, with questions, open to learn in this world. It is trying to find the spark in each one of this lost childhood, of this spark of eternal love.
That is really the highest goal of humanity, finding the extreme beauty in the ‘other one’. Because that is the quality of a mother, finding the extreme beauty in the child.
Yes the child will learn the world and will be judged, but it will also defend itself by judging others. And the mechanism is triggered. Everyone judges, everyone compares. You meet and you judge. You don’t allow the freedom and the beauty of the foreigner to fully express.
How can we really express if we are not bathed in love and compassion?
Being able to love unconditionally anyone that comes to you is the root of loving. Being and seeing with the eyes of the mother.
All of us have inside of us this being of unconditional love. We all possess within us this divine ability. We didn’t need to give birth to express it, to allow it to flourish in our relationships.
This connects you with your deep heart, with your centre of being that knows non-judgmental relationships, that knows generosity and caring. It will connect to the qualities of the soul. Tapping into your true giving and loving nature, for others, and for yourself, is a gift to yourself.
Giving is the most beautiful act you can express. It is the nature of your soul. You will feel alive. You will resonate love.
Mothers are celebrated and this is wonderful. They are the proof unconditional love exists here. They are a living proof of God’s love for us. They are becoming divine beings as they give birth, once again.
Watching a mother, watching the world with a mother’s eyes is an exercise of love, of compassion, of beauty in this world. Nothing else really counts. It is the highest teaching of humanity.
Lets us all embody this energy of caring for one moment, with one person, and then two people, then more…More often… Until we are riding on this energy of love and compassion all the time.